TexTalk for Financial Industry

Today, the vast majority of people place their trust in financial institutions, namely banks, to safeguard their finances. Banks provide essential services for countless numbers of individuals, businesses, and organizations. Due to the nature of the services they provide, banks are often in close contact with their customers, making effective communication vital. Banks can need to contact their customers for a number of reasons. They may provide customers with reminders about upcoming or past-due payments, notify them about any suspicious activity, or simply inform customers about changes to a physical bank’s hours of operation. They can also want to contact customers to send them newsletters or promotional offers. Given the vast amount of communication that takes place between banks and their customers, finding a way for banks to stay in touch with their customers more efficiently should be a priority.
Luckily, the TexTalk platform is available for banks looking to improve their ability to communicate. TexTalk allows banks to create personalized messages for their customers quickly. These messages can be in many forms, such as text, voice message, or email. Of course, certain information is restricted to certain mediums of communication, such as paper or email. That being said, other avenues of communication can be used effectively for various purposes. Text alerts for users when a payment is due are a good example, but there are different purposes for new communication channels. For example, a bank may need to change its hours to accommodate renovation; this might be announced through social media and accompanied by pictures of the ongoing process. These types of communications make businesses look more personal and improve customer perceptions.

TexTalk can also be used for rapid alerts during security breaches. Unfortunately, every bank has the potential for its systems to be breached, potentially exposing the personal information of its customers. TexTalk can be used by banks to rapidly send notices about data security breaches to their customers when a significant security breach occurs. Doing so allows customers to take appropriate measures more quickly, better ensuring their safety. TexTalk can also be used to improve security in other ways. For example, TexTalk’s API for text and voice messaging can be integrated into a bank’s online systems to provide two-factor authentication. Bank’s could configure their systems to require something an authentication code or something similar that would be sent to a customer’s device through TexTalk. By doing so, banks could reduce the risk of identity theft and keep customers safer, since it would not be possible to access an online account unless one had a customer’s phone on top of their login information. TexTalk’s capabilities are varied and are just as suitable for improving a bank’s image as they are for improving customer safety. Communication for banks is highly complex, but TexTalk can make it simpler and more effective, whatever the purpose is.