
Transport Alerts and Information

Trucking is the predominant method of transportation in the United States. Cars, trucks and buses going across the country are the life blood of transportation of people and goods, and having access to quality, updated information about condition of roads and tunnels can improve the conditions and reliability of the transportation considerably.

With the Transport Alerts and Information application, organizations and government agencies involved with roads and transportation – and, for that matter, aviation – all get access to publish relevant information and alerts, and distribute subscribers.


Main features of the Transport Alerts & Information application are:

  • The transport alert will be immediately distributed to all subscribers that have signed up to transport alerts.
  • Subscribers to transport alerts for a certain province, through SMS, IVR, email or web. After subscribing, the user will receive alerts automatically through the same channel that was subscribed through, and in the preferred language.
  • When a transport alert becomes irrelevant/is over, agency users can mark that alert as inactive, meaning it will no longer be distributed to users.
  • Agency can view statistics and reporting of number of subscribers and retrieved transport alerts.